
Fröyja at businesses and schools

Mentimeter – Innovative Employee Care for Enhanced Well-being

The prominent tech company Mentimeter has chosen to offer Fröyja to its employees as part of its commitment to employee care. By providing our healthy, caffeine-free beverage, Mentimeter demonstrates its dedication to the physical and mental health of its team. We are proud to contribute to a healthier work environment at such a forward-thinking company.

Instagram: @mentimeter 

Idrottsgrundskolan Nacka – Healthy Choices for Future Athletes

Idrottsgrundskolan Nacka has chosen to include Fröyja in its vending machines to offer students a healthy, caffeine-free alternative to traditional energy drinks. Through this initiative, the school promotes good drinking habits and supports the well-being of young people both inside and outside the classroom. We are delighted to be part of the school's efforts to create a healthy environment for its students.

Idrottsgrundskolan Nacka – Healthy Choices for Future Athletes
Idrottsgrundskolan Nacka has chosen to include Fröyja in its vending machines to offer students a healthy, caffeine-free alternative to traditional energy drinks. Through this initiative, the school promotes good drinking habits and supports the well-being of young people both inside and outside the classroom. We are delighted to be part of the school's efforts to create a healthy environment for it

Instagram @idrottsgrundskolannacka


These examples show how both companies and schools can integrate Fröyja to promote health and well-being within their organizations.